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Staff Directory

East High School
Aguirre, Carlos 329 3231 Social Studies
Allgood, Christopher 118 3206 Social Studies
Almaraz, Rosa Office 3150 Front Office Secretary
Anderson, Seki 226 3202 Math
Aniel, Aldous 202 3208 Science
Bair, Kevin 100E 3195 Vice Principal
Bauer, William M104 3225 Biology
BEAR LINE   (913) 717-9779
Birch, Brandon 218 3198 Choir
Brazzel, Jade G101 3187 Band
Brier, Patrick 325 3152 ELL Social Studies
Browning, Anja     Social Studies
Byrne, Emily 409 3223 ELA
Campbell, Kassandra 228 3179 Secondary SS
Celello, Kayla library office 3123 Teaching Methods Coach
Chambers, Barey GYM 3186/3217 PE
Cowart, Nathan 209 3243 Grad Lab
Craven, Danielle 303 3196 City Year
Cravens, Morgan G117 3171 Graphic Design
Daldalian, Raquel M104 3192 School Psychologist
Dannar, Sheila 231 3118 Vice-Principal
Dennison, Amanda 411 3132 Social Studies
Denzer, Jill 137 3213 Business
Diebold, Scott 204 3210 Biology
Dolph, Anthony G116 3232 JROTC
Dowd, Sam 234 3176 English
Duff, Hannah 402 3127 Science
Dye, Catrina G102 3204 Art
Easley, Sullivan 113 3156 Science
Eaton, Dayla 332 3151 SPED
Even, Mackenzie 204B 5368 School Clinician
Ferrell, Scott 211 3162 Theatre
Fuentes, Christian College Access Center 3117 College Advisor
Fuller, Tanya 225 3189 Social Studies
Giertz, Shelby M111 3235 Art
Grabowski, Jesse 408 3137 Secondary Eng/Lang
Greg Wright   7148 IT
Grines, Elizabeth Office 3128 Family/Community Engagement Liason
Guerrero, Gabriela M204 3112 French
Guerrero, Gerzo 322 3148 ELL Math
Gutierrez, Yasmin 204A 3142 Registrar
Haug, Tom S. Gym 3224/3217 PE
Hobbs, Jamie 201 3201 English
Holmes, Sylvester 229 3211 Social Studies
Humes, Ryan 326 3167 IT @East
Hunter, Quinby 311 3175 ELL Science
Hussein, Ahmed Office 3178 Truancy
Jacobs, Kim M205 / 219 3139 SPED
Janae Cambridge Office 100A 3140 Bookkeeper
Johnson, Jacki 100C 3247 Counselor (H-N)
Johnson, Tonya Custodial Office 7398 Custodial
Kelsay, Philip 407 3129 Math
Killen, Andrew AG Building/ Greenhouse 3239 / 3185 Agriculture / Algebra 2
Kim, Richard 138 3124 Engineering
King, Michael 318 3155  
Kinney, Beverly 308 3173 ESL/ELA
Kollar, Tate 317 3183 ESL/ELA
Kopecki, Zack 223 3197 Social Studies
Lindo, Michele M103 3249 Chemistry
Linsenmeyer, Tim 125 3207 Restorative Justice Coordinator
Margolis, Daniel M206 3113 ACT Prep
Marlon Andrews   7148 IT
McCaslin, Jonathan 201 3201 English
McCullough, Zachary AG Building 3240 Agriculture / Environmental Science
Medina, Elizabeth Office 3164 Principal Secretary
Mister, James G108 3219 Security Supervisor
Mitchell, Marlene 332 3151 SPED
Mondragon, Hilda M108 3188 Nurse (Northwing)
Mosby, Menime Office 3134 Attendance Secretary
Murphey, Colman 401 3126 Math
Ngomsi, Justine 310 3174 ELL ELA
Noden, Anna 324 3153 Social Studies
Nogales, Maria Cafeteria 3149 Cafeteria Manager
Obiesie, Maureen 313 3143 ELL Science
Omran, Afrah 227 3180 Math
Parker, Rebecca Library-Direct extension 3116 Librarian
Pedescleaux, Jonell N.GYM 3186/3217/3205 PE
Perna, Katharine 232 3161 Social Studies
Pierce, Brandon 107/GYM 3205/3186 PE
Pine, Robert M105 3120 Construction / Engineering
Potter, Chip G110 3218 JROTC
Powell, Burl 100D 3131 Counselor (O-Z)
Reed, Suzi M104A 3475 Sped ES Coordinator
Robinson, Justin 136 3214 Business
Rogers, Deanna 320 3145 ELL Math
Rozell, Rachel 412 3172 Vice-Principal
Sagastume, Robert College Access Center   College Advisor
Sampson, Rose 103 3144 Nurse
Say, Ka Baw 323 3154 ELL Math
Security Desk Main Entrance 3212 Security
Security Office 404 3233 Security Office
Sharma, Anuradha 330 3136 Science
Sheresheva, Elena 305 3169 Sheltered Science
Stancic, Valerie 122 3215 Computer Science
Steele, Kristine M110 3226 Math
Stuckey, Tammy M203 3191 Sped Biology/Physics/Chemistry
Swope, Steven 321 3146 ELL
Talboy, Geoffrey 100F 3135 Principal
Thogmartin, Debbie M104A 5351 Exc. Ed. Process Coordinator
Thomas, Melissa 301 3166 ELL
Tussey, Brian 307 3170 ESL 2
Uehara, Kai 106 3209 Chemistry
VanOsdale, Bryan 315 / 329 3133/3231 Vice-Principal
Way, Caroline 233 3177 ELA
Weaver, Mary Anne M103   Speech Language Pathologist
Westbrook, Toya 413 3160 ..
Williamson, Avery 219 3115  
Williamson, Stacy G118 3184 Health / Intro to Health Careers
Wilson, Sharon M107 3163 SPED
Yergin, Mareike 100B 3182 Counselor (A-G)
Zahm, Brenda 237 3158 English
Library Library 3190 library extension (for staff/student use)
North Gym North Gym 3194 PE
South Gym South Gym 3224 PE
PE Department 107 3205 Health Classroom
  219 3115  
  201 3201  
  104 3203 Grad Lab